The Start

The Comedian - Pavan Trikutam

Episode Summary

Pavan is a full-time software consultant at GrayBike, in San Francisco. He explains exactly what that title means, and how he uses technology, design and code to solve other people’s business problems. He explains the transition from the corporate world to starting his own thing. We talk about developing skills (regardless of your age), the importance of curiosity and amazing coaches we’ve had in the tech industry. Pavan also shows us his amazing photography, and shares what his rapper name would be. Show Links: * [Pavan Trikatum Photography]( * [Follow Pavan on Twitter]( * [GrayBike]( * [Louis CK WTF Part 1]( * [Louis CK WTF Part 2]( * [Adult Rappers Documentary]( * [Struggle for Smarts Article] ( * [Ira Glass The Gap]( * [Brennan Dunn](http://doubleyourfree

Episode Notes

Pavan is a full-time software consultant at GrayBike, in San Francisco. He explains exactly what that title means, and how he uses technology, design and code to solve other people’s business problems.

He explains the transition from the corporate world to starting his own thing. We talk about developing skills (regardless of your age), the importance of curiosity and amazing coaches we’ve had in the tech industry.

Pavan also shows us his amazing photography, and shares what his rapper name would be.

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